I am on stage at a sold-out event talking about How AI is Reshaping Marketing with a room full of Marketers this morning. No gloom and doom here. I am asking them to see all the possibilities.
Marketing is well-positioned to help guide the organization in the AI journey. Why you ask?
We are used to change.
We are creative.
We are problem solvers.
We are digitally savvy.
We have helped lead digital transformation.
We understand the business.
Marketing teams as front runners in the AI adoption race:
Used to Change: The marketing world is perpetually in flux, with trends, platforms, and consumer behaviors constantly evolving. This means marketers are already conditioned to adapt swiftly and efficiently to new tools and methodologies. Introducing AI into their workflow is seen not as a disruption, but as another step forward in their evolution.
Creativity: AI, with its data-crunching capabilities, can seem rigid and cold, but it's only as effective as the creative minds wielding it. Marketers can harness AI to generate insights, automate mundane tasks, and personalize customer experiences, but it's their creative strategy that turns these capabilities into compelling campaigns and stories. This creative problem-solving approach ensures that AI tools are used to their full potential, generating innovative and engaging ways to reach and understand customers.
Digitally Savvy: Digital literacy is a fundamental skill in modern marketing, with teams already well-versed in various digital tools and platforms. This familiarity makes the transition to using AI smoother, as marketers are more comfortable and confident in exploring new technologies and integrating them into their digital strategies.
Understanding the Business: Marketers have a holistic view of the business ecosystem. They understand customer needs, market trends, and how to communicate value effectively. This comprehensive insight allows them to identify where AI can have the most impact, aligning AI initiatives with business goals to drive growth and competitiveness.
By taking a proactive role in assisting the lead AI initiatives, marketing individuals and teams can significantly enhance their value within an organization. This strategic move not only showcases their versatility and adaptability but also positions them as indispensable architects of the company’s future.
Here are a few examples of how we use AI for marketing AI today:
-Inspiration and brainstorming
-Content for social media, SEO, blogs, emails, subject lines, enewsletter, one-pagers, sales enablement, presentations, proposals, content calendars, etc.
-Website and landing pages
-Logos and branding
-Transcribe podcasts and webinars
-Ads creation
-Meeting notes
-Process documentation
-Competitive analysis
-Lead scoring
-Summarize reports
-Event planning
-Training development
-Private GPTs for any repetitive ongoing tasks. One of my favorites.
What would you add to the list as a Marketer using AI?
Let me know if you have any questions. I love answering them.
Greater Cincinnati AI Events for 2024 (over 40 events)
New events are added weekly. Here are the events that I am aware of: https://kendraramirez.com/cincinnati-ai-events-2024/
April 2 AI Made Easy a hands-on AI workshop at Cincinnati Chamber 8-10 at the Cincinnati Chamber office. https://portal.cincinnatichamber.com/s/community-event?id=a1m8W000009XPb9QAG Bring your laptop and questions.
April 16 CincyAI meetup at the UC Digital Futures building is sold out. Sign up now for May 7 from 3-5. Thank you to UC Research and Digital Futures for your partnership. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cincinnati-ai-for-humans-cincyai-tickets-827152012937?aff=oddtdtcreator
Where AI and inspiration collide!
Kendra Ramirez